Mud fight

Känner att jag inte skulle tacka nej till lite sånt här just nu. :)

Regn, bad, bastu.

Regn, bad bastu. I den ordningen. Härligt värre.
När man är på dåligt humör så borde man alltid bada. För allt blir så mycket bättre då. Bada, bada, bada. Åh, ja.

Three years ago

It's been three years since my face was deformed. The following two days looked much worse than the picture, my face swelled up and I thought I'd never have a nice face again. I avoided mirrors and people.
It got me thinking. A lot of people are complaining over themselves, smaller faults, pimples, the shapes of noses, lips, eyes etc. But you are all beautiful! Everyone is so beautiful in different ways. I appreciated that in other people when my face looked the way it did. But today it's back to normal, with a few minor scars. I'm glad, and everyone else should be happy about how beautiful you are. Everyone is so beautiful. Even if you think you're face might not be perfect, it is.
Just thought I'd share this thought I had three years ago.


Dagar då man kan kura ihop sig under en filt, se film och äta choklad. Utan dåligt samvete. Score.

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